OrthoLIFE is a proprietary DME provision platform provided by Pacific Medical, Inc. to uniquely suit all clinical practices.
With over 30 years in durable medical equipment and insurance billing experience, the OrthoLIFE Model creates unique opportunities for hospitals, clinics, and patients to reduce the costs associated with durable medical equipment.
OrthoLIFE creates several specific service layers to uniquely address every type of accounts needs to include OrthoCHOICE, RecoveryCARE, OrthoDirect, OPtimumCARE, and OPtimumALLIANCE.
If you need DME, but you’re not quite sure what you need, please, contact us!
OrthoCHOICE is a 100% outsource of DME provision to Pacific Medical. The account has access to over 30 different manufacturers with Pacific Medical providing inventory consignment and labor at no cost. Pacific Medical bills the patients insurance for all products provided as coverage provides. OrthoChoice allows clinics to conveniently provide products to patients without the hassle of inventory, costs, labor, billing, and collections. This model is best for small to large independent orthopedic, podiatric, pain, or spine related practices.
RecoveryCARE is a post-operative care service that provides post-op braces (knee, shoulder, etc.), CPM machines, portable DVT units, Bone Stimulators, E-Stim Units, Cold Therapy and more to patents. RecoveryCARE also provides functional bracing for ACLS or OA prophylactically, post-operatively, or preventively. Products can be provided shortly before or after surgery. Products can be delivered to the surgical facilities or the patients home. Educational use is provided depending on equipment needs. Pacific Medical bills patient insurance as coverage provides.
OrthoDIRECT is a service that sells products directly to accounts that would like to insurance bill themselves for those that decide DME is worth the time, effort, and investment. OrthoDIRECT can generally get accounts better pricing than they could themselves given their volume contracts with manufacturers.
OPtimumCare is a service that allows accounts to send patients to specialized Orthotics and Prosthetics facilities for care by specialized practitioners. Facility locations can be found here.
OPtimumALLIANCE is a service for large hospital systems or small ASCs that combines ALL services from OrthoLife to provide dme to ALL patients at a tremendous cost savings. In most cases, 80% of dme costs incurred by hospitals and not reimbursable, can be outsourced to OrthoLife.